


2023- 2024年FAFSA于10月1日开放! If you need assistance with filing your FAFSA, 联系学生援助办公室!

Free Application for Federal 学生援助 (FAFSA)

Net Price Calculator and Cost of Attendance


Income Tax Credits, Deductions and Information for Graduate Students and Others


的 primary communication with graduate students is through UM email and 横幅自助服务. Graduate students are strongly encouraged to check UM email and 横幅自助服务 weekly to monitor requests for additional documentation, notices of financial aid packages and offers, 以及其他重要信息. Graduate students accept/decline aid offers through 横幅自助服务 and are provided access information to UM when admitted.

在提交FAFSA之后, graduate students may need to submit additional information to complete the process. Notification will be sent through UM email explaining the need for additional documentation. Please respond immediately, or aid will be delayed.

的 links below contain additional detailed information that is important to completing the federal aid process:









的re are several ways to finance your graduate educational experience at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐. Scholarships are available from a number of sources and are awarded based on demonstrated merit or need. On-campus employment is offered through the 联邦工作研究 (FWS) Program and through jobships, 奖学金, and assistantships offered by the University. 还提供各种贷款. 美国政府还有其他选择.S. 美国退伍军人.S. Department of 退伍军人事务部 Education Benefits.

的 links below contain detailed information about each of these funding options.



Please note that graduate students are only eligible for the federal direct unsubsidized 工作人员ord loan or federal graduate PLUS loan through FAFSA and may be eligible for other alternative/private student loans through banks and credit unions.


学生援助 Administrator’s Code of Conduct

Scholarships based on financial need require a Free Application for Federal 学生援助 (FAFSA) to be filed. 的 FAFSA opens each year on October 1st. In order to be considered for need-based scholarships, students should file the FAFSA by March 1st each year at http://studentaid.Administration. 澳门大学的FAFSA学校代码是001004.


的 澳门在线赌城娱乐 will not permit students to receive any institutional scholarship funds beyond the direct cost of attendance, 包括学费, 费用, 房间, 董事会, 和书籍, 在退款中. This does not affect any outside sources of aid such as veteran benefits, 协议, 外部机构奖学金, 联邦补助金和贷款.

Here are a few external opportunities that we encourage you to explore.

  1. 向你父母的雇主查询, 甚至是你未来的雇主, 看看他们是否提供奖学金.
  2. Contact professional or 政府ernment organizations that are affiliated with your major or desired career field 看看他们是否提供奖学金.
  3. Check with local civic organizations or churches to see if they have scholarships for which you may apply.


Students receiving an Outside Agency Scholarship should have checks mailed to the following address:


Please make sure that the full student name and UM ID number are included with the scholarship check.
If the check is made out only to the 澳门在线赌城娱乐, the student will not need to endorse the check.
If the check is made out to the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 and the student, the student must endorse the check before mailing to the 学生资助办事处 for processing.
的 学生资助办事处 will receive and process the outside agency scholarship payment and will deliver to the Office of Student Accounts for payment to be applied toward the student bill. It is the 澳门在线赌城娱乐’s policy that we split the total amount received from an outside agency scholarship equally between the fall and spring semesters if the check does not include a cover letter or note in the memo for which term payment should be applied.
学生可完成 校外机构奖学金表格 to specify how they would like funds to be disbursed towards their student account. This is only in the case that a cover letter is not included with the received payment.

的 校外机构奖学金表格 可以在这里找到:

2022-23 校外机构奖学金表格
If the check is made out only to the student, the student must endorse the check and either cash or deposit into their personal checking account. 的 student would then need to make a direct payment to the 澳门在线赌城娱乐’s Office of Student Accounts in order for these funds to be applied towards their student bill. 的 student would also need to notify the 学生资助办事处 of the outside agency scholarship funding in order for the 学生资助办事处 to record these funds as part of the estimated financial aid package. This is required by Federal Title IV Law, which states that all forms of estimated financial aid (EFA) must be noted in the student’s financial aid package and considered as a part of the student’s eligibility calculation.